Ranting Thoughts

Those who love freely, sharing and giving love from the soul often allow influences from outside sources to interfere with this love;

Doubt, pain, and fear enter.

The pain of emotion feels like the soul is being ripped from the body

while holding tightly to the heart;

refusing to let go.

As the heart struggles to hold onto the truth, the soul is turned inside out and upside down before it becomes stepped on, left to disappear, clinging to faith, trust, and the unknown behind the door.

A whirlwind of anger, hate, disgust, and rage came roaring through what was left of a life once known.

Exposing the emptiness that remains.

The relationships under continued stress will likely deteriorate; some end quick and abruptly, others continue to hang on to the threads rushing to rebuild only to slowly and painfully drift apart while reaching for the other.

The love is clearly there but not in the way it was meant to be; out of context, continued failure is inevitable.

Those whose love is strong will remain far after the relationship ends; painful aches come and go as they remain close friends reaching a place of peace as they find love in supporting the other throughout the rest of their lives - in the relationship that was meant to occur all along for this is where each is their best self.


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